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Website design based on Linear by TEMPLATED . Used as licensed.  Creative Link Effects and  Scattered Polaroids Gallery  by Codrops . Used as licensed.
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File Icons by Treetog ArtWork .  Icons8 favicons by VisualPharm . Used as licensed.
"Reading glasses against San Francisco Bay area vintage map" Stock Image by Marek Uliasz . Used as licensed .  "Cable Car in San Francisco" Stock Image by Traveling Lifestyle .  "Kodak camera" Stock Image by doubled .  "free delivery truck" Stock Image by aliona..almazova . Used as licensed .

  News & Updates:
  (03.01.17)  Minor content updates and bug fixes.
  (10.16.15)  Minor content updates and bug fixes.
  (09.09.14) Version 8.0 with completely revamped design and theme is up!
  In addition to its usual address, www.nithinkamath.net, this website can now also be accessed from the web addresses:

Any , suggestions, concerns or views should be directed to the webmaster only.

Version:   8.1.1         Last Updated:   21st March, 2018